Jen Ogle

Helium Recovery Systems

Maximator Helium recovery systems give short payback time in leak test systems.

With the huge expansion in cylinder manufacturing for Hydrogen vehicles, there comes a need for leak detection, and Helium is often used for this.

As effective as it is for leak detection systems, Helium is also extremely expensive. Maximator Helium recovery systems are able to recover most of the Helium.

The helium fills a specially made bag. Once the bag is full, a high pressure helium compressor recovers the costly gas into high pressure storage cylinders ready for re-use. Systems come with laser level monitoring and can be equipped with Helium gas analysers.

Contact us at Maximator UK for your Helium recovery needs. Phone 01606 636000 or email

Season’s Greetings

It has been a great year, and the whole Maximator UK team has enjoyed working with our customers, partners, suppliers and colleagues.

There are many new opportunities, products and organisational enhancements on the way in 2025 and we look forward to sharing these with you.

With best wishes from the team for a Merry Christmas and happy new year.

Our last day in the office is  December 24th, and we return on January 2nd. See you on the other side!

Max H2

Maximator UK’s new MaxH2 compact Hydrogen compressors offer customisable and flexible solutions. 

As more and more companies in the UK develop components, systems and software to support Hydrogen refuelling, there is a growing need for small scale Hydrogen compressor systems tailored for this segment. These companies need to use Hydrogen at the kinds of pressures seen in refuelling systems, which can be up to 1000 Bar. But these customers don’t need the flow rate (or the huge cost) associated with refuelling stations that are designed to refuel hundreds of vehicles. 

The Maximator UK MaxH2 Series is a Gas Compression System, specifically designed for Hydrogen compression up to 1000 bar, with scalable volume flow up to 1kg/hr. We offer tailored systems in many formats and can incorporate additional measures, like cooling and remote monitoring. We can also bundle systems which are suitable for small plant operations such as fork lift fleets, for users that are able to create their own green Hydrogen. 

Maximator UK also produces MaxN2, MaxCo2, MaxO2, MaxCH4 systems in a similar configuration to the MaxH2.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

 #greenenergy #Hydrogen #MaximatorUK

The Rise Of H2

The Maximator UK team has carried out more Hydrogen installations this year than in the previous 3 combined!

Exciting times for alternative fuels and decarbonisation.

The Maximator team are dedicated to working in partnership with our customers to deliver effective solutions.

Choose Maximator as your partner for valves, fittings, tubing and systems for Hydrogen.

Maximum Flexibility

Not every day is at Maximum Pressure!

Despite our motto of “Maximum Pressure”, sometimes the Maximator UK team have to apply their expertise in other areas. Like this moving platform. Installed as part of a Maximator burst and cyclic test machine, this hydraulically operated table allows test pieces to be loaded at the factory floor level and then moved into position for testing.

Incorporating high pressure fluid connections, heaters and thermocouples, this solution complements the fully automated high pressure system well.

For your testing needs, trust the Maximator UK team.

Automatic Filter Test Unit

Maximator UK completes automatic filter test unit.

The latest from the Maximator UK team is this full featured automatic filter test unit. With automatic proportional clamping using air cylinders, this unit can test a variety of filter sizes, with hydrostatic test pressures up to 30 Bar. The unit can test a 3″ filter in about a minute.

“Next on the list is a similar system, but for pressures up to 400 Bar” said Craig McAfee, Maximator UK’s technical chief. “It’ll be a challenge but we love high pressure, and we love a challenge!”

Air driven High Pressure Gas boosters

Composed under pressure…

MAXIMATOR UK air driven high pressure gas boosters are suitable for the oil free compression of gases and air.

Industrial gases like Argon, Helium, Hydrogen and Nitrogen can be compressed to operating pressures of 2400 bar (36000 psi) and oxygen up to 350 bar (5075 psi), depending on the application.

Air driven gas boosters are an efficient alternative to electrically driven products for many applications and can be used in explosion-proof areas or areas without electricity supplies.

Maximator gas boosters offer the right solution for every application. As a result of the wide range of models it is possible to select the optimum booster for each application.

Maximator UK are also able to design and build bespoke solutions and sub-assemblies for any application.

For more information, visit our website HERE


How do you save up to 30% compressed air running your air driven boosters? – With Flexdrive.

Do you work with gases, emptying or filling gas cylinders? Do you use a Maximator booster for this? Our Flexdrive technology delivers energy saving and optimized process times.

The Flexdrive modification allows the air driven gas booster to switch between one air drive section and two air drive sections, either saving up to 30% energy or reducing filling time (depending on the process parameter).

Find out how the Flexdrive modification can benefit MaxH2 systems HERE

#maximator # maximatoruk #pressureproducts #pressure #highpressure #compressor #gas #energysavings #compressors #efficiency #compressedair

Actuator Vacuum Fill And Bladder Setting System

NEW ON OUR WEBSITE is the Actuator Vacuum Fill and Bladder Setting System.

Great for accurately setting up subsea valves in manufacturing or repair shops.

Low pressure fluid pressure tests to 15 Bar.

High pressure fluid pressure tests to 150 Bar.

Vacuum tests to -1 Bar.

Metering of water to 500 cc.

A test machine with a 20 US Gal oil tank, 5 US Gal vacuum cylinder, high pressure and low pressure pumps, and an accumulator bladder filling function, with 500cc syringe and hand pump for use with water, with 2 US Gal water tank.

To find out more visit the product page HERE

Hydrogen Growth Continues

Hydrogen growth continues. In the Hydrogen space, the headlines tell of the big deals and mega projects but not so often the opportunities that support these ground breaking projects. 

For every big project announced, there are dozens of smaller projects, with forward thinking, smart cookies working on components, systems, software, techniques and technologies to support the growing Hydrogen market. 

The demand for our hydrogen systems supporting these smart cookies is growing! Currently we have five Max H2 systems in the workshop being manufactured for different customers across the country. 

If you want to find out more about what hydrogen systems we can provide, visit our website HERE