Incredible HULC demolishes the hard work of creating modular refuelling solutions with rack mounted Hydrogen generators.

Maximator’s HULC (Hydrogen unique linear compressor) series has been configured to work with standard 19″ rack mounted electrolyser units.

Using this system it is easy to configure modular and expandable high pressure hydrogen systems for vehicle refuelling, power to gas or power to power installations.

Maximator’s Jon Butler says “The beauty of HULC is that modules can be combined to give 140, 400 or 1000 Bar applications. Adding modules can scale up your application and there are standard connecting elements to make assembly of the systems easy. The modules require no electrical energy. Maximator UK can configure standard elements or provide bespoke solutions.”

See our product page for resources on this new product offer from the leaders in Hydrogen compression.

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Modular Hydrogen Compression Systems


The Maximator Hulc Series is a modular Gas Compression System, specifically designed for Hydrogen compression up to 1000 bar, with scalable volume flow.

A standard configuration up to 1000 bar consists of one control module (MASTER-module) and up to three gas booster modules (X-modules) – first stage module up to 140 bar, second stage module up to 400 bar and the final stage module up to 1000 bar. This configuration will provide a gas outlet flow of 1 kg Hydrogen per hour.

For higher outlet capacities more modules can be connected easily.

This complete series is installed in 19“ rack frames with front panel mounting and front connection for easy installation, exchange and access.

This system can be easy installed and combined.

For all applications the MASTER module is mandatory and handles safety and functional features for a maximum of three X-modules.

The X-modules can be combined and connected depending on the application.

The efficiency of the gas booster will be improved by the patent-proven “FLEXDRIVE” modification.  

This modification allows the air driven gas booster to switch between one air drive section and two air drive sections. With this modification we are able to save up to 30 % Energy or will generate a reduced filling time (depending on the process parameter).


If you are interested in a quotation for one of our HULC Systems and/or HULC Flexdrive, please click on the button below, or get in contact with our sales team

Tel 01606 636000 or email